Since 1996, the Doctors’ Support Network has independently championed positive mental health within our profession.

We are a confidential PEER SUPPORT network for doctors and medical students with concerns about their mental health.

As a registered charity, we aim to raise awareness, reduce stigma and influence the agenda regarding physician health.

Doctors' Support Network 2019 logo mental health
Doctors and our own mental health

Doctors are MORE likely than non doctors to have a mental health problem but can find it difficult to seek help, often leading to long delays in diagnosis and treatment.

Doctors and medical students with mental health problems often feel isolated and as if they are the only one with a problem.

The good news is thatdoctors and medical students with mental health problems make excellent recoveries with appropriate support and treatment.

Why join DSN?

Join DSN
Our online, confidential, anonymous Support Forum is for DSN (full & student) members only.

Improve your wellbeing by safely connecting with other medics with similar concerns.

Anyone is welcome to join DSN.  UK based medics with mental health concerns are eligible to be full or student members - anyone else is welcome to join as an associate member.  See our equality & diversity policy here.

It's free to join DSN, with a suggested donation.
DSN believes that contact with and support from other medics can help recovery.  All DSN members have either themselves been troubled at some stage in their lives or support the aims of the organisation.
DSN is currently the only independent body representing doctors with non substance use related, mental health conditions in the UK.  ​
DSN actively campaigns to improve mental health care for doctors and is involved in physician health consultations (representing an informed user view) with professional organisations such as the General Medical Council.

Getting in touch with DSN
If you wish to contact DSN by email, please use one of the forms embedded in the website (DSN's email addresses are not visible in order to reduce spam).  Link to the main CONTACT DSN page here.

 Please note

  • DSN membership is in addition to and not a substitute for personal healthcare from relevant medical professionals e.g. general practice, occupational health specialists, psychiatry or psychologists. 
  •  DSN does not provide individual medical advice. Informal peer support is available for DSN members via the confidential online Support forum.
  • DSN does not provide individual support for doctors involved in General Medical Council processes.  (Support for doctors about whom a complaint has been made to the GMC is available from the Doctor Support Service provided by the BMA - click HERE for a link.  This support is also available to non BMA members.)
  • ​DSN does not provide one to one counselling or refer individuals to specialist services - see our 'support for doctors' page for signposting to available services.
  • DSN is a charity, run by volunteer members in their spare time.  
  • DSN is entirely funded by members' donations and can not provide financial assistance to individuals or organisations.
DSN members say :
 'It is so reassuring to know now that DSN exists as it makes me feel less alone with the problem of illness as a doctor.'

​​ ' ... meeting others with similar experiences and getting support '

'I've had invaluable support and advice over the years I've been a member.'


DSN now operating as Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) April 2022

DSN is now a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) no. 1196277 registered with the Charity Commission.

DSN coaching project launched May 2021

Find out more  here

Doctors' Support Network 2021 DSN coaching project page mental health

DSN 2019 AGM & Conference in Bristol 
Read all about our recent AGM and conference in Bristol on our blog here

Doctors' Support Network 2019 Dr Phil Hammond at DSN conference mental health
'Doctors' Mental Health at Tipping Point'- DSN recently took part in a BBC TV film on physicianhealth - find out more on our blog:
Watch a short video of Dr. Louise Freeman, DSN co-chair, talking about the &me anti stigma campaign at the recent 'Wounded Healer' conference in London.

Click on the image to find out more about our anti stigma campaign '&me'

Doctors' Support Network 2017 &me mental health

Fundraising for DSN by the Medical Defence Union

Doctors' Support Network 2021 MDU logo mental health

We’re proud to announce our new initiative with the Medical Defence Union (MDU), the UK’s leading medical defence organisation. 

The MDU is donating half of its foundation year 1 (F1) members’ £10 subscription to two charities this year and DSN is delighted to have been chosen as one of the beneficiaries.  The other charity is the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund.

Apply for MDU membership here

Dr Louise Freeman, co-chair DSN 'We are delighted to be working with the MDU on this valuable initiative. The donations will make a massive difference to the work that we do.'

Patron - Dr Phil Hammond

Doctors' Support Network 2016 Dr Phil Hammond mental health
Phil Hammond is a doctor, journalist, broadcaster, campaigner and comedian.  He qualified as a GP in 1991 and currently works in a specialist NHS centre for children and adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).

The General Medical Council has said of Phil 'A comedian trapped in a doctor’s body.’ 
Phil says of DSN ' If we want to have a better health service, we have to look after the people working in it.  Sadly, those who care the most often find it hardest to ask for help when they're struggling to cope.  That's why I am proud to be a patron of the Doctors' Support Network.  Mental illness can happen to us all, and it is vital that doctors know where to get help and support. '

DSN & External Engagement

The Doctors' Support Network is pleased to be involved in physician health related events or consultations with other organisations. We have recently contributed to the GMC 'Fitness to Practise' consultation and the BMA 'Listening and Learning' event.  We have also previously provided speakers on lived experience of doctors' health issues for relevant meetings.

If you wish to invite DSN to take part in a physician health related event or consultation, please contact the Chair via the form below.

DSN External Engagement Enquiry

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